Yes, yes y'all 'tis that time. Another year closes, another list to add to the, um, lists.
As with most years gone by, I find myself falling more in love with the old than the new; however there are always some same-year releases that tickle my fancy...and most importantly, my ear drums.
So, without further adieu, here they be as more than ten, but not quite double, and definitely in alphabetical order:
AIR FRANCE : No Way Down
AL GREEN : Lay it Down
*\/ this just added as i did not know it came out in '08
ARTHUR RUSSEL : Love is Overtaking Me
AWESOME COLOR : Electric Aborigines
DANAVA : Unonou
DR. DOG : Fate
FLEET FOXES : Fleet Foxes
FLYING LOTUS : Los Angeles
GANG GANG DANCE : Saint Dymphna
GRAILS : Doomsdayer's Holiday
GROUPER : Dragging a Dead Deer Head Up a Hill
HARLEM : Free Drugs
LINDSTRØM : Where You Go I Go Too
MOGWAI : The Hawk is Howling
QUIET VILLAGE : Silent Movie
SIGUR ROS : Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust
THE BLACK KEYS : Attack and Release
Albums from years gone by that I was introduced to in '08, and that I L O V E
(some more than any of the above)
CASPIAN : The Four Trees
NEU! : Neu!
*ROBERT WYATT : Comicopera*
ROSETTA : Wake/Lift
STYROFOAM : The Point Misser
SAXON SHORE : The Exquisite Death of the Saxon Shore
ISOLEE : Western Store
*THE PSYCHIC PARAMOUNT : Gamelan Into The Mink Supernatural*
*THE SAINTS : I’m Stranded*
TORCHE : Torche
*thank you to Mister Kadin for the *'d pieces of awesomeness
And lastly, albums to LOOK OUT FOR.... oooh yea. watch out!
GOLDEN HOLY : Golden Holy