
Buda : 47°26′N 19°15′E

Sipping Szabolcsi Alma pálinka and slowly growing a set of 
balls and a few chest hairs. 

Geezus the contents of this pretty little bottle is strrrrrong! Today we started the day off with a quick cement wandering to the Gyógyfürdő, which is a bathhouse complete with a radiant sauna room where the temperature is 60-80 degrees celsius, or 176 degrees fahrenheit! Fahrenheit, fair f*cking enough. The gold bangle around my wrist almost branded me in less than 10 minutes. After: the cold plunge, and a pool dip with an interesting cast of local, elderly characters.

We took the more scenic route through a park on the way back to Dürer-kert, stopping for another awesome graffiti/photo opportunity. 

The promoter and his staff at this venue have been STELLAR. I got to hang out with him, his partner and this dude Greg from MTV-Hungary and chat about how   I want to take the woman who is in charge of catering on tour with us. She filled the tables with so many edible delights I almost busted something.

Everyone seemed to be intoxicated from the vibe here -stark contrast to Vienna yesterday.

The place was nearly sold out, the crowd pressed shoulder-to-shoulder, back-to-front, grinding against each other and the black front of the stage. This created a fierce sea of fist-pumpers and a wake full of bodies ebbing and flowing atop the crest of fans. A storm of energy that crashed hard onto the stage and took some of the guys, and myself, into the crowd for what was some pretty epic stage diving. Yes, I stage dove. It was the first time in years and it felt amazing. Jeff was already in and Liam even came in after me: fcking stellar. Video soon to come...